Riding Near LaPorte a rider, Cody is injured - Nov 6, 2005
(Chadd, Larry, DP, Bill, Terry, Dave and others)
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01. The trip started off omniously, with Dave busting a tie rod.
02. Hey Dave..
03. I think your quad needs to be aligned!
04. They could really use McGyver Jack about now.
05. Bill, Cody, Dave and DP work on it.
06. So, what do you guys think we can use to fix it..
07. Hey..I know...A ROCK!
08. Kickin' back.
09. Cody turns to check riders behind him, and misses a turn. They find him under the ATV.
10. Terry and others go to the ATV.
11. They check him, and then roll it back over.
12. Carefully, as to not injure him further.
13. The ATV is rolled off Cody.
14. Larry (oldtrucks) a fireman, uses his EMT skills stabilize his broken femur.
15. While Larry and the other attend to Cody.
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