Index 1
Index 2
Index 3
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Rubicon/Barker Pass Road - Dec 20, 2003
01. Larry says...I love the smell of Pink in the morning.
02. Our friend Jamie watches us unload.
03. On the trail. Stopped on the Old Car Wash Bridge.
04. Looking north from Car Wash Bridge.
05. Heading across Car Wash Bridge.
06. Talk about unprepared. They were pulling out a car that was there a week.
07. Near Miller Lake, waiting for them to move.
08. Looking out onto Miller Lake.
09. There's the car. Ooops.
10. Larry walks his Quad up the hill.
11. Larry and Jack both muscle it up the hill.
12. Another shot of Miller Lake.
13. Jack powers through the snow. Nice 589's
14. Where Kenan's motorcycle died in summer
15. Terry and Larry sit where 'Scuz's' dream date plowed through a puddle.
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